A 54 year-old-male patient was referred to our hospital, because a hepatic mass had been found on US at a local clinic. He was a heavy drinker, but he has never experienced any significant diseases so far. Anti-HBs Ab was positive and HBsAg and anti-HCV Ab were negative. AFP level was normal. US showed a 2.3 cm sized hyperechoic nodule in the lateral segment of left lobe of the liver. Attenuation of the nodule was lower than that of normal hepatic parenchyma on triphasic CT scan. No definite hypervasculairity was seen on the angiogram, CTHA and single level dynamic CTHA. sono-guided needle biopsy was done for the lesion, and it was confirmed to be hepatocellular carcinoma, Edmondson grade 1. Left lateral segmentectomy was performed and the patient was dischaged 11 days after the operation. There has been no evidence of recurrence during 1 year-follow-up