A 51-year-old male was referred to our hospital for further evaluation and treatment of a liver mass. He was a heavy alcoholic. Laboratory findings revealed that anti-HCV was positive, and AFP is below 400 ng/mL. We performed CT scan that showed multiple nodules in the right lobe. Among them, the nodule in the segment Ⅷ showed incomplete enhancement at the arterial phase. Hence, we performed percutaneous needle biopsy for this nodule, and pathologically proved to hepatocellular carcinoma of Edmonson-Steiner grade Ⅱ/Ⅳ. We performed transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE) for multiple hepatocellular carcinomas. Angiography showed nodular tumor staining and arterioportal shunt and arteriovenous shunts at the biopsy site in the segment Ⅷ. We occluded the shunts by using Lipiodol and gelform mixtures and then performed TACE. After TACE, angiography did not show either residual tumor staining or arterioportal and arteriovenous shunts.