A 35-year-old male patient was referred to our hospital, because a hepatic mass had been found on CT at another hospital. He was a heavy drinker, but he has never experienced any significant disease so far. Anti-HBs Ab, HBs Ag and anti-HCV Ab were negative. AFP level was normal. Triphasic liver CT scan revealed a 1.9 cm-sized, well-enhanced lesion at S6 on arterial phase. This lesion becomes isoattenuation on portal phase and slightly enhancing lesion on delayed phase. SPIO MRI scan reavealed a 1.9 cm-sized lesion with high signal intensity at S6 on T2WI. Precontrast ultrasonography revealed a enhancing nodule with mosaic pattern on S6 Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography revealed a centrally enhancing nodule early phase that showed washout on delayed phase. We had considered as the hepatocellular carcinoma. Segmentectomy of S6 for diagnosis and treatment was performed. We confirmed it to be well-differenciated hepatocellular carcinoma in dysplastic nodule. There was no evidence of recurrence during 9-month follow-up.