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Case Report
- Rapid recurrence following living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma within Milan criteria
Hyun Young Woo, Jin Dong Kim, Jung Hyun Kwon, Si Hyun Bae, Jong Young Choi, Seung Kew Yoon, Sung Eun Rha, Jae Young Byun, Ho Jong Chun, Byung Gil Choi, Hae Kyu Lee, Young Kyoung You, Dong Gu Kim
Journal of the Korean Liver Cancer Study Group. 2009;9(1):45-48. Published online June 30, 2009
- Liver transplantation is curative therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma especially if ,within Milan criteria, 4 year survival
and recurrence-free survival was reported to be 85% and 92%, respectively. Herein we report a patient who experience rapid
recurrence following living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) for hepatocellular carcinoma within Milan criteria. A 52
year-old-men patient with known liver cirrhosis associated with hepatitis B virus was admitted for the treatment of
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Abdominal CT revealed two nodules less than 3 cm in right hepatic lobe. After single
session of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), the patient underwent LDLT. After seven months following
transplantation, recurrent HCC was detected on transplanted liver with concurrent metastatic nodule in lung. Although TACE
and metastsectomy were performed for recurrent intrahepatic mass and lung metastasis, recurrent HCC showed rapid
progression and patient died of progressive tumor after 10 months following LDLT.